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Monday, 10 April 2017

Swimming in the Sunshine!

After what has seemed like an eternity we finally saw the sun! Away with coats, hats and gloves and in with sunscreen and shades! The parks are full of children playing and all seems well in our small corner of the world! My family and I spent a gorgeous couple of hours at the river in Ely having a picnic and just enjoying watching the world float by. There's just something wonderful about being close to the water - it moves, it's "alive" and we all feel an affinity to be close by, if not in it! There is endless research proving how we as human beings function at a higher level when in close proximity to water but you don't need science to prove that - it's something we all know, something we feel.

We don't often get the opportunity to enjoy the al-fresco swimming experience in the UK but from the beginning of next term (April 24th onwards) we hope to open up all the sides of the lovely pool in Little Thetford to give that Mediterranean-spa feel. For Grandma and Grandpa who want to watch their little ones in the pool there is a lovely outside area and fresh coffee to boot!

Enrolments are open for the term beginning April 24th at so come along and enjoy the sunshine!

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