Start with
pouring small amounts of water over their faces. You need to
train them using ‘triggers’ or cues. You could simply say “Johnny, ready, go”
and then pour the water gently over the face. With several repetitions over
several weeks your child will learn to hold their breath before you pour the
Once you know they are holding their breath and are not anxious, start
taking them into the shower with you and give them their cue before putting
them under the shower for a couple of seconds.
Remember to go slowly with this over several weeks as you don’t want to
frighten them.
If you are starting with a newborn - share a bath together. Gently roll
your baby around in the water with a relaxed grip that allows them to float in
the water. Maintain eye contact with them and smile a lot which teaches them
that it’s ok and it’s fun.
For more information please visit my website www.puggles-swim.co.uk
For more information please visit my website www.puggles-swim.co.uk